Submit Recurring Payment Information

To ensure timely set up of your new or updated banking information:

  • Please submit no later than 12:00pm CT the business day before the Due Date shown on your invoice. Updates made after this time may not take effect for the current payment due.
  • Submit banking information for invoices with a remit to address of PO Box 660831, Dallas, Texas 75266-0831.
  • Recurring payments can be set up using either a checking or savings account.
  • An email address is required to receive setup and payment confirmations.
  • All current and future Agreement Numbers included on the Invoice you use for verification will be included in this setup.
  • Payments will appear as "WEB PYMNT" on your bank statement.
  • If you have an ACH Block on your account, please authorize ACH ID: 4214751391
  • Please have your (i) Invoice Number, (ii) your Agreement Number or Invoice Group, and (iii) the Total Due readily available for account verification purposes. Please reference the image below on where to consult your invoice for this information.

For questions, please visit or call using the contact information provided on your invoice.

Clicking the above button will direct you to our secure site to sign up for recurring payments. If you do NOT wish to add or update the bank information used to pull recurring payments from your bank account, please do not proceed. You may return to to make a one-time payment or request information about your agreement.